Anthurium Regale
Anthurium regale is a tropical plant with attractive flowers and large sized leaves. Despite its rarity it is one of the most popular indoor plants. Under favourable conditions, this plant has incredible growth habits. This incredible growth habit of this plant can be proved by rapid growth of their coaericious leaves exceeding 90cm or even larger.

Anthurium is native to America and was developed in 1829 but some literature suggest that this plant originated from Peru specially tropical areas of andes mountain in the year 1888. Unlike other Anthurium plants, Anthurium regale is primarily grown for its foliage beauty rather than flowers. Anthurium regale is also known by the name of Flamingo flower and tail flowers. The name Flamingo is given as the tiny flower of this plant resembles Flamingo. This is often regarded as a complex plant to grow because of its rapid growing habit. So, for the beginners it is difficult to grow as the cost of cultivation becomes high due to the requirement of proper care.
Due to its attractive nature, basically broad leathery foliage, it is remarkable for indoor collection as well as centre of attraction for plantophiles and its demand for indoor collection is increasing day by day across the world. Not only this but the evergreen nature and perennial behaviour in the frost free environment of this plant has also increased its preference for indoor collection. Anthurium regale belongs to the Araceae family. Anthurium is placed in the section Cardiolonchium of its Anthurium just like that of Magnificum and Crystallinum.
Is Anthurium regale a rare plant?
Anthurium regale is considered a relatively rare plant. People often think that it is difficult to maintain at home but it is not so difficult. In fact this plant can be grown with ease both indoors and outdoors.
Botanical Classification
Kingdom | Plantae |
Clade | Tracheophyte |
Order | Alismatales |
Family | Araceae |
Genus | Anthurium |
Species | regale |
Interesting Features of Anthurium regale
- Anthurium regale is often confused with Philodendron. They can be distinguished by the flower. Anthurium regale has biseual flower whereas Philodendron has unisexual flower.
- Unlike other Anthurium It is grown for foliage rather than flower.
- Anthurium regale is an evergreen plant.
- Under favourable environmental conditions, it can attain the height of 5 to 8 feet or even more.
- It is susceptible to cold water.
- Its flower resembles that of Flamingo. So, it is also called the Flamingo flower.
Morphology Of Plant
Anthurium regale is a giant plant with broad and beautiful leaves.This plant Anthurium regale can attain the height upto 5-8 feet.
The leaves of this plant grow on a single stem with an extensive root system. The velvety textured heart shaped and large sized leaves are the centre of attraction for the growers. The size of leaves depends upon the thickness of the trunk i.e. the thicker the trunk is, the bigger the leaves are. Also, the presence of white veins running along the leaf surface has made it more attractive. The leaves are leathery and have got a rapid growing habit under favourable conditions. They can attain the size of 46 inches long to 36 inches wide.
Flowers are attractive and the inflorescence is made up of two parts viz., a flower bract spathe and a leathery textured stem i.e. spadix. Moreover, flower bract are colored modified leaves that surround the spadix. The small sized flower are bisexual i.e. they possess all the floral organs. Despite their attractive flower this plant is preferred for its foliage beauty.
At the blooming time, the plant forms a tiny flower that has various fragrances. After pollination, seed producing berries are formed
Is Anthurium Regale Toxic?
Despite its attractive foliage, this plant also possesses some toxic substances. Plants possess high concentrations of calcium oxalate crystals that contribute to toxicity. So, protect your babies from Regale pots to avoid their ill effect and enjoy only the beauty of foliage.
Places To Grow Indoors
Anthurium regale can be grown both indoors and outdoors. While growing outdoors there must be provision of avoiding direct sunlight as this plant prefers indirect light. They thrive best in medium to bright indirect sunlight. They also tolerate partial shading conditions. Their demand for indoor collections has been growing in recent days due to their attractive foliage. While growing the plant indoors, we have to choose locations that fulfil the plant’s ecological requirement. If you have the hobby of growing plants indoors, the following are the best locations for this plant for its optimum growth acquiring proper growth and development.
i) East Facing Window
East facing windows are quite suitable for growing Anthurium regale plants since these windows receive direct sunlight only during morning hours. During the day these sides receive indirect sunlight. This plant actually prefers indirect sunlight.
ii) West Facing Window
Since west facing windows receive direct sunlight only during evening hours, they are also suitable for growing Anthurium regale plants.
iii) North Facing Window
North facing windows do not receive direct sunlight at all. So, they are the safest place for growing this plant.If there is prevalence of shading effect by tall trees in the northern direction, you cannot grow your Anthurium regale plant in that spot.
iv) South Facing Window
In the Southern direction , there is a prevalence of intense sunlight throughout the day. Unless you use some filters like curtains or shading by tall trees, you cannot grow this plant in this spot as this plant does not prefer direct sunlight.
In case when plants are not getting adequate sunlight from windows, you should be able to provide artificial light to promote normal growth and development of plants. Switching on the LED light for about 7 hours is sufficient in case of artificial light conditions.
Anthurium Regale x Magnificum
This is the hybrid of Anthurium regale and Anthurium magnificum but very rare. It has got extremely velvety, big, bright green leaves. The mature leaves can attain the height of 50-100 cm. This is supposed to have originated from Indonesia. The temperature range of 20 to 27 degree celsius is considered as optimum. Relative humidity of 60-70% and bright indirect sunlight is best for this plant.
Anthurium Regale Care

Anthurium regale grows best under partial shading conditions. They require bright but indirect sunlight about eight hours daily for proper growth and development.In case of insufficient sunlight, artificial lighting can be provided by artificial lighting using LED light.
This plant is frost and cold susceptible. So, make sure that area is frost free. This plant grows best at a temperature range of 13-27 degree celsius. During spring and hot summer temperature requirements are easily met. However during winter care should be taken to maintain the minimum temperature of 55 degree fahrenheit. If you are growing outdoors, you should transfer them indoors. Also, avoid placing the plant in a moist and shady place inside the house. Relative humidity of 70-80% is considered ideal. A Pebble tray filled with water or a humidifier can be used to maintain the required humidity. Regular misting of plants is also found effective for maintaining humidity.
Plants can thrive in the milder temperature very well but prolonged exposure of plants to this temperature may hinder the growth and development of plants. Do not leave the plant outside during hot summer and cold winter.
Moist soil with high organic matter content is considered best for this plant. Make sure that the soil is not too wet and too dry. Anthurium regale do not perform well in too sandy and too muddy soil. Vermiculite can be used as a potting mixture. The potting soil can also be mixed with charcoal, perlite, orchid bark and sphagnum moss. The soil with Ph 6- 7.5 is considered best. Well drained soil is must as it prevents root rot and other fungal diseases.
A good soil mix as a growing media can be prepared by using:1 part perlite, 2 parts orchid mix2, part peat moss, 5 parts miracle-gro moisture mix: it contains coconut coir.
The frequency of watering depends upon season and time of the year. During summer when dry conditions prevail frequent watering is required but the plant is less frequently watered during winter month of the year. It is because water tends to remain in soil for a longer duration of time. Watering should be done when the 80% moisture has been depleted. For watering tap water can be used but make sure that it must be free from toxic chemicals. Watering should be done with proper care and good drainage facilities should be ensured.
This plant requires less fertiliser. They are fertilised only twice a year. Spring and early fall are the best season to fertilise this plant. Slow release fertilisers are considered best as they provide nutrients for a long duration of time. Avoid the application of low quality fertiliser and excessive fertilising as excess fertiliser causes leaf burning.
Potting and Repotting
Potting is an important operation for growing Anthurium regale indoors. Generally sterile soil media with proper nutrient content can be used for potting. It prefers nutrient rich but well drained potting mix for proper growth and development. A handful of sand and a handful of peat moss can be mixed to get excellent soil media. A plant with a single leaf requires a pot of 5 inches in diameter. However, the larger plant may require a pot of 10 inches diameter.
Repotting is an important intercultural operation in floriculture. It refers to the transfer of a potted plant to another pot. Generally, when the roots are circling on the surface of soil, the plant must be repotted in the pot of appropriate size. Generally the pot with 20% more diameter than the previous pot is usually preferred. Root bound conditions will hinder the proper growth and development of plants. So, repotting should be done every two years in the spring. The repotting process can be carried out as:
- Select the pot of appropriate size.
- Prepare the new potting mixture.
- Fill the new pot with the potting mixture
- Remove the plant gently without damaging roots from the previous pot and trim the root properly.
- Then repot the plant in the new pot and water it immediately.
- Regular watering should be done

This plant can be propagated either sexually or asexually. Asexual propagation occurs by means of stem cutting whereas sexual propagation occurs through seed.
1. Seed Propagation
Seed propagation takes more time than stem cutting. By this propagation genetically different plants are produced. Follow following steps for propagating the plant through seeds:
- First, growing media is prepared. For this a shallow tray is filled with the vermiculite solution and add little water to moisten it.
- Seeds are sown at spacing of 1 inch and little depth.
- Then the trays are placed in bright and warm places having temperatures around 70 degree fahrenheit.
- Tiny seedlings will emerge after several weeks.
2. Stem cutting
Follow the following steps for propagation by stem cutting:
- A large stem about six inches in length is selected from the healthy plant. The stem must have two to three leaves attached in it.
- Appropriate sized pot is selected and filled with growing media.
- Plant the stem in the hole made in the growing media.
- Water the pot regularly and place it in bright areas.
A mature Anthurium regale plant costs about $100 to $300 or even more.
It is evergreen plant requiring less care and less space. It can be grown both indoors and outdoors.
Despite its attractive foliage and flower, there are some constraints while growing this plant. Due to high calcium oxalate crystals, it is toxic to young babies. Beside several pest infestations are the major constraints of this flower. This plant is infested from several pests like Scale insects, Spider mites and Aphids are major pests of this flower.
Anthurium regale is an excellent material for growing indoors. Its attractive leathery and incredibly growing leaves are the centre of attraction. Unlike other Anthurium, Anthurium regale is grown for its foliage beauty.