Money Plant

Money plant is a monocotyledonous flowering plant belonging to the family Araceae, native to Southeastern Asia and New Guinea. This beautiful indoor plant is popular with different names like Pothos in English. Some other common names are:- Golden Pothos, Devil’s Ivy and Devil’s Vine. The name Money Plant is given due to the appearance of its Round, Flat leaves resembling a coin and it is believed that if the Money plant grows well, the owner will never run out of the money.

Money Plant

The indoor grown money plant only attain the height of 10-15 feet whereas in the wild it can go upto the height of 50-60 feet. The presence of 5 leaves in each branch is an interesting feature of this plant. These five leaves resemble five symbols. These five leaves resemble five elements of the Feng Shui system which are supposed to bring prosperity to home. Metal, Wood, Fire, Water and Earth are the five elements represented by these five leaves present in each branch.Flowers are creamy white in colour with a strong aroma that attracts bees and butterflies.

There is a wide variety among Money plants. They vary in the shape and size of leaf and trunk. Some possess thick waxy leaves and whereas others have round foliage. They may be annual, biennial and perennials depending upon variety. Some of them grow as an evergreen perennial climber and can be grown both indoors and outdoors. This plant basically climbs over trees by means of aerial roots.

Generally, this plant prefers well in partial shade conditions. So, it is suitable for indoor cultivation but by ensuring the partial shading condition we can cultivate it outdoors. It can be planted in small or medium sized pots, self-watering pots, hanging baskets by providing support with the plant straighteners.

Botanical Classification




This plant produces a trailing stem that climbs over trees. The leaves arise from the node. As it is a climbing plant, staking near the main stem is preferable.


Money Plant Leaves

This plant possesses attractive heart-shaped leaves with a leathery and shiny appearance. Leaves are borne alternatively and are variegated with white, Yellow, Cream and various shades of Green. Lighting conditions and other cultural factors determine the colour variegation.


If you are one who loves to see flowers in your plant, You may be a little disappointed with Money Plant as it doesn’t bear any flowers. It is grown for its foliage beauty.

Flowering in plants is induced or regulated by hormones such as gibberellin (GA). This hormone stimulates floral meristem to produce flowers. However – Money Plant contains mutated gibberellin biosynthetic gene EaGA3ox1 which inhibits flower production.

Money Plant Flower
Jade Money Plant Flower

Despite this, You may be happy to know that there are some varieties of Money Plant that do produce beautiful flowers like Jade Plant And Money Plant Tree. The inflorescence is called Spadix.

Types Of Money Plants

 1. Money Plant Chinese

Money Plant Chinese

The Chinese Money plant is also known by the names of UFO Plant, Pancake Plant, Lefse Plant, Missionary Plant, Bender Plant and Mirror Grass Plant. It is supposed to have originated from Yunnan province of China and its rounded leaves resemble a coin which is a money. So, This justifies its name, Chinese Money Plant. This plant prefers bright but indirect sunlight. Money Plant Chinese has dark green leaves with a yellow spot at the centre which makes it impeccable. It is small and produces many leaves. So – It is preferred for indoor planting.

2.  Money Plant Tree

Money Tree

Money tree (Pachira aquatica), a member of the Malvaceae family, is a tropical wetland tree species that usually grows in moist and swampy areas. This is native to Central and South America and known with different names throughout the world. Malabar chestnut, Guiana chestnut, French peanut, Provision tree, Monguba, Pump etc are the names by which this plant is known throughout the world.

This plant can grow upto the height of 18 metre. The leaves of this plant under the age of 1 year resembles that of a Cassava plant. The leaves are orbicularis in shape with length measuring upto 24-35 cm and width 22-38 cm and are dark green in upper surface and green in lower surface. The round stem having a circumference of 30-57 cm has a monopodial branching habit. The large showy foliage are hermaphrodite and possess double perianth. These flowers are generally bat pollinated. The ovoid or elliptic shaped fruit are dark green in colour.

This ornamental tree can be cultivated in moist, frost free tropical areas. It may either be raised from seed or cutting. Partial shading condition is best suited for this crop as it does not prefer direct sunlight. A warmer temperature of 65-75 degree fahrenheit is best suited for this plant.

3. Golden Money Plant

Golden Pothos

This Golden Money Plant is also known by the name of Golden Pothos or Devil’s ivy.

It is a plant with high aesthetic value. This high aesthetic value is due to its large glossy golden heart shaped leaves which usually trail on the stems. This plant prefers bright indirect sunlight. Bright indoors and shaded indoors are the suitable place to grow this plant. This plant does not require too much care and acts as an air purifier. Like that of Money plant, it not only creates greenery but also brings good luck, prosperity and happiness to home.

4. Split Leaf Money Plant

Split Leaf Money Plant

The botanical name of this plant is Monstera deliciosa. They are drought tolerant and thrive well in low light conditions. The lobate shaped leaves have got cut on their surface which looks very attractive.

5. Marble Queen Money Plant

Marble Queen Money Plant

This money plant has creamy white colored leaves. Bright direct sunlight is preferred by this plant to maintain the leaf colour. At least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight is sufficient for this plant.

6. Marble Prince Money Plant

Marble Prince Money Plant

This money plant has white green colored variegated leaves. They also survive in low light conditions.

7. Silver Money Plant

Silver Money Plant

Its botanical name is Scindapsus pictus. It is popular for its variegated beautiful foliage. As they prefer indirect bright sunlight, they are best for indoor cultivation. They can be placed near windows in hanging pots and the artistic look of this plant coming down from the containers is really mesmerising. The leaves have got a silver lining due to which the name silver is given.

8. Swiss Cheese Money Plant

Swiss Cheese Money Plant

This plant is also known by its botanical name Monstera obliqua. This Money plant also prefers bright indirect sunlight.So, it is best suited for indoor use. The variegated beautiful foliage is really amazing. The perforated appearance in leaves looks like cheese and is really mesmerising.

9. Big Leaf Money Plant

Big Leaf Money Plant

Its botanical name is Scindapsus aureus. This plant is characterised by thick trunks and big leaves. As this plant occupies a larger space, you can utilise this plant to hide dirty places.

10. Money Plant Jade

Jade Money Plant

This Money plant has dark green leaves which are round or oval in shape. It can be grown with little care and can thrive well in the driest environment.

11. Neon Money Plant

Neon Money Plant

This has got unique and different foliage than other Money plants. The bright golden yellow colored leaves create a glowing effect which is more visible in younger leaves.

12. Money Plant Variegated

Money Plant Variegated

Img Source: Wikipedia Money Plant

Money Plant Care


This plant does not prefer direct sunlight. It performs well in bright but indirect sunlight. But best performance is observed in medium indirect light. This plant also prepares well in partial shading conditions. At high sunlight intensity leaf scorching is also seen. So, you can place your Money plant in a garden, terrace, Lawn or any other indoor space.


A temperature range of 22-26 °C is considered the optimum temperature for this plant. The minimum temperature ranges between 14-16°C. Below 10°C, yellowing of leaves may occur.


Soil with high perlite content is most suitable for Money Plant. A mixture of river sand and normal potting soil also can be used as good growing media. Generally the soil with low water holding capacity is suitable for this plant.


Frequency of watering depends upon season and type of soil. In summer, it should be fertilised at every 7-10 days interval while in winter it is generally watered during two weeks interval.


Humidity around 50% is considered as ideal for a Money plant. Humidity is a very important factor as it controls the opening and closing of the stomata.


Money plant is fertilised once in the month after watering. Generally, fertiliser should be avoided during winter months. Fertiliser should be applied at evening because if applied at daytime it may cause root to burn due to sunlight.

Potting and repotting

Potting is one of the most important operations and should be carried out with great care. Selection of pot of appropriate size is of utmost importance to avoid pot found conditions and necessity of frequent repotting.

Repotting should be carried out when there is a pot bound condition. Following steps can be followed while repotting:

  • First, choose a pot of appropriate size which must be bigger than the previous pot.
  • The bottom part of the pot should be filled with pebbles or broken brick in order to facilitate drainage.
  • Now fill the pot with quality potting soil leaving 0.5-1 inches from the top for watering.
  • Then, gently uproot your Money plant from the previous pot. Trim the undesired root.
  • Make a hole in the potting mixture and plant your Money plant in that hole.


Money plants can be easily propagated through seeds and cuttings.

1. Through Cuttings

Cutting is an asexual means of propagation. Generally, it is propagated through stem cuttings and the cutting either can be germinated in soil or water. At first a healthier stem is selected and by keeping one leaf cut is given above and below the node. Then the cut parts are dipped in a beaker containing water. Ensure that the nodes are completely dipped in water. Then place them in a sunny spot until root commences from the cut parts. It may take four weeks. Once rooting occurs and tiny leaves sprout from the cut part, pot your cuttings. A well drained soil with sufficient moisture can be used as growing media.

Also after cutting, the cut part can also be directly placed in rooting media for rooting.

2. Through Seeds

Money plants can also be propagated through seeds. Seeds are generally sown when there is no danger of frost. Seeds are sown 12-18 inches apart and germination occurs about in 14 -28 days.

What is the cause of yellowing of leaves on Money Plant?

There are many factors behind the yellowing of leaves. Prolonged exposure to intense sunlight, temperature fluctuations and overwatering are some of the causes of yellowing of leaves.

Money Plant in Water

Money plant can also be grown in water. It is your choice whether to grow it in water or soil . If you have excess soil, you can easily grow it in soil otherwise you can grow it in water. The plants grown in water are softer and more succulent as those grown in soil. This succulency is due to high absorption of water. You can grow it in any media but never change the media.

Steps to grow this plant in water are explained below:-

1. First of all, select a healthier plant.

2. Make a sharp cut at approximately 45 degrees below the node.

3. Remove extra leaves and place the bottom part of the stem in the beaker. Ensure that the node should be dipped in water.

4. Now place this beaker in a sunny place.

5. Water in the beaker should be changed once a week.

 Money Plant Vastu

The thriving of Money plants is correlated with prosperity. Thus the flourishing growth of the Money plant is supposed to be the indicator of wealth. Feng Shui experts suggest that this plant should be placed near a computer, wifi router or television. Also, this plant is supposed to reduce stress and anxiety if placed at corners or angles. According to Vastu, this plant brings good luck to home.

Common Problems

Diseases and pest infestations are the common problems of Pothos.


i) Bacterial leaf spot

Causal organism: Pseudomonas cichorii

Appearance of water soaked spots with yellow halos on leaves are characteristic symptoms. Avoid overhead watering to prevent the pathogen infestation.

ii) Rhizoctonia Stem rot

Causal organism: Rhizoctonia

The stem at soil level is killed. Avoid water logging conditions to avoid the pathogen infestation.


Spider Mites, Mealybug, Whitefly, Thrips and Aphids are the major insects affecting Pothos.


The common disorder of Money Plant are as follows:

i) Yellowing of leaves

This is due to overwatering. It may also be caused due to nutrient deficiency.

ii) Brown Spot

This occurs due to prolonged exposure of Money Plant to intense sunlight.

iii) Brown tips

It may occur due to underwatering and lack of humidity.

iv) Wilting

This problem is related to moisture stress.

Money Plant Complementary/Companion Plants

Those plants which are grown in proximity to each other for their mutual benefit are called companion plants. The benefits may include pest control, pollination etc. Following are the some companion plant for Pothos:

1. Snake plant

2. Jade plant

3. Spider plant

4. Asparagus Fern

5. Butterfly Palm

6. Ponytail Palm


This plant is toxic to children of less than five years of age and certain pet animals. Among pets, this plant is toxic to cats and dogs. This toxicity is due to the presence of Calcium Oxalate. Irritation, Vomiting, Swelling of the mouth are the symptoms observed when the leaves are chewed. Despite its toxic nature to pets and younger children, calcium oxalate can be effectively utilised as natural pesticides.


Along with adding aesthetic value on balcony, this plant also performs following benefits:

i) Acts as Air purifier

This plant acts as air purifier and makes indoor air free from toxic substances. Toxic substances like benzene, Formaldehyde and carbon monoxide are eliminated from the inside air and enhance the prevalence of oxygen. In this way money plants promote healthy living.

ii) Relief from anxiety and stress

Creating a peaceful environment is another benefit of growing Money plants. So, it helps to reduce stress, anxiety and promotes healthier sleeping.

iii) As a sign of good luck

Money plant is also taken as signs of good luck. In the Chinese system, the 5 leaves in each branch of the Money plant symbolise earth, Fire, Water, Metal and Wood. These five elements are supposed to promote prosperity in life. In Feng shui this plant is supposed to add finance to home and hence considered as the lucky plant.


Money plant, preferred for its foliage beauty is known with various names throughout the world. Growing a money plant in home promotes healthy living as well as brings prosperity in home as it is considered as the sign of good luck. This plant does not require much care and grows well in partial shading condition.

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