10 Key Benefits Of Vermicompost

Vermicompost is an organic manure that is prepared by the decomposition and degradation of bio wastes with the help of earthworms. The earthworms are given organic material to eat, After consuming the organic material, they excrete making highly nutritious vermicast. The process is called Vermicomposting. It is a fast process. The things that need 1000…

Distinguish Between Subsistence Farming And Intensive Farming

Farming is the process of growing crops, livestock, aquatic organisms and poultry birds to fulfil the hunger demand of the world. During primitive times, there were traditional methods of farming that gradually improved to subsistence, intensive and sustainable farming. As society progresses, Capitalism emerges which creates marketing opportunities and any product can be sold at…

Broadcasting Method Of Sowing In Agriculture

Broadcasting Method Of Sowing Seeds Seeds are the source of our food. They are sown in soil. After germination, POP is practiced for the growth of crops and finally harvesting is done. There are different methods of sowing seeds. Among all Broadcasting method is the most common and convenient. That’s why, Billions of farmers are…

Bsc Agriculture Entrance Syllabus In Nepal

Bsc Agriculture Entrance Syllabus Bsc Agriculture is becoming one of the top priority of Nepalese students after completion of +2 education. With growing interest, competition level is also getting high. Every Year thousands of students appear in entrance exams and only few hundreds secure the position in merit list. This is because some study hard…

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Green Revolution

Definition  Of Green Revolution Green revolution is a technique in Agriculture that collectively uses advanced technologies, High Yielding Varieties(HYV), chemical fertilizers, Soil Management, Disease Control, Pesticide Use, managed irrigation and modern farming methods like Crop rotation, Multiple Cropping which increases crop production to many folds. In short, It is the process of increase in production…

Ajwain Plant: English Name, Growing Methods And Benefits

Ajwain Plant Ajwain Plant also know as Bishop Weed or Carom in english is a remarkable plant having multipurpose use. The rich biodiversity of the earth has made the availability of different types of plants. Each plant has its unique use. Some plants have medicinal properties too. Ajwain, known as jwano in Nepali is a…

Single Super Phosphate (SSP):Fertilizer Composition And Uses

Phosphorus is an essential plant nutrient. Soil should be rich in phosphorus for the proper growth and development of crops. However, if the soil is deficient in Phosphorus, application of phosphorus is recommended to farmers. Many types of Phosphate fertilizers are available in the market. Among them, the most common and widely used fertilizer is…

Sustainable Agriculture Definition, Advantages and Disadvantages

If we people have to choose between the food grown naturally i.e without the aid of any type of chemicals or the food that is being grown by the use of excess pesticides, chemical fertilizers and many other chemicals, Probably we will go for the food that is being produced naturally. In this industrialized world,…