Vermicompost is an organic manure that is prepared by the decomposition and degradation of bio wastes with the help of earthworms. The earthworms are given organic material to eat, After consuming the organic material, they excrete making highly nutritious vermicast. The process is called Vermicomposting. It is a fast process. The things that need 1000 hours to decay in a natural way are digested within just 1 hour inside the earthworm.

Benefits of vermicompost

We all know organic manures have great benefits to soil as they are highly nutritious, improve soil structure, porosity, water holding capacity and Many More. Vermicompost contains more nutrients than other organic manure like farmyard manure. That’s why there are many benefits of vermicompost.

After the Green Revolution, the use of chemical fertilizers have increased our agricultural production in geometric ratio by using more and more chemical fertilizers. Though we are getting more production, in the long run, this type of farming system has a hazardous effect on soil. But, The problem is, If we don’t use chemical fertilizers, we don’t get good production as livestocks manure cannot provide nutrients efficiently and effectively. Does this problem have a solution? The answer is yes – Vermicompost is the solution.

Instead of these both, we should use vermicompost as it is organic and can provide the result way faster.

In this article, we will be learning about the benefits of vermicompost. Let’s begin.

Benefits Of Vermicompost

1. More Nutrient Availability

Vermicompost has a higher nutritious value than any other organic fertilizers i.e. it contains high amounts of N,P,K and other micronutrients required for the optimum performance of the crops. Nitrogen -(1-3)%, potassium (1.85-2.25)% and phosphorus = (1.55-2.25)%

2. No Leaching

Chemical fertilizers get easily leached out. They create pollution and are expensive. But, Organic fertilizers like vermicompost don’t leach out and are very good for agricultural use.

3. No Pollution

Vermicompost is organic, so it doesn’t have any side effects on our health as well as it doesn’t create any pollution of soil and water. Moreover, It doesn’t have a residual effect. Some chemical fertilizers like urea have an acidic residual effect which destroys the soil productivity.

4. Improve Soil Properties

It improves the physical, biological and chemical properties of soil like Soil aggregation, Porosity, Water holding capacity, Buffering capacity, Nutrient retention and increases the microorganisms population which all contribute to our agriculture Production.

5. Contains PGR And Enzymes

There is a rare availability of plant growth hormones in other fertilizers. Vermicompost on the other hand contains a decent amount of Auxin, Gibberellin, Vitamins and Enzymes.

6. Vermicompost Tea

It is a liquid fertilizer that is extracted from vermicompost. This is beneficial for garden plants as it can be directly sprayed to plant leaves and shoots. It shows the results pretty fast.

7. Requires Less Space

When we go to traditional farming methods, Composting needs a large area. People who don’t have much area weren’t able to make adequate compost. However, Vermicomopost can be made in less space. You can even make it on your terrace. It doesn’t have a foul smell. There is availability of vermi bags and bins for Vermicomposting.


8. Employment And Money

Vermicomposting is emerging as a business. Many youths are doing entrepreneurship in this field. It has also created employment opportunities and many people are able to earn good money from it.


9. Better Use Waste

Organic wastes are regularly produced in our kitchen. By giving this waste to earthworms, we can convert it into vermicompost.


10. Improves Quality Of Fruits And Vegetables

The crops which are provided with vermicompost has good taste, long keeping quality and aren’t attacked by pests.

Thus, These were the 10 benefits of vermicomopost worth to know.

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