Chilli Farming Process

Chilli is one of popular spice which fits in many of our dishes. We all have seen it and some of us want to do chilli farming. The market of chilli is tremendous as it is used on regular basis. Chilli can be consumed either in green, red, dried or in powered form. The pungency of chilli is due the presence of alkaloid called Capsicin.


Starting chilli farming is not a big deal but the continuity and management is main thing. But, Don’t worry! – Here, In this article, We will providing you a detailed guide on how to start successful chilli farming and generate Profit from it.

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Chilli Farming


Chilli farming can be understood as the commercial production of chillies in a large area in order to earn some money.

Many people are involved in chilli farming and are doing very well in this field.

Chillie are used in vegetables, spices, pickles and in many other items.It has high demand in market and we can do good for chilli farming if we know the right process and technique to do it.


Selection Of Variety

Variety selection is first and the most important step in doing any vegetable farming. In chilles also, variety plays important role because our entire production depends on variety we choose to plant.

Selected variety should be of good quality, free from any abnormalities, diseases and certified from government. You can also buy seeds from a trusted nursery.

Some good varieties of chillies for farming are:-

•Bhagya Lakshmi
•PLR 1
•Pant C 1

Soil Requirement

We can cultivate chillies in any type of soil considering that there is good drainage. As chilli is plant of tropical and subtropical climate, It can either be cultivated as rainfed or as irrigated condition.

If you are planning to grow chill as rainfed plant, then – It is better to choose black soil because this soil retains good moisture for the better fruit production. Under irrigated land, We should choose light soil.

But, Chilli farming is best suited to well drained fertile sandy loam soil.The pH of soil should be about (6-6.5) i.e. slightly acidic condition is good for chilli farming.

Land Preparation

It is good to select plain land. We should add compost on land for better production. Ploughing of land should be done. Tillage of land should be done for about 3 times along with good clod breaking. The soil should be made of uniform structure.

Chilli farming can be done best by using BBFS technique. It is called Big Bed and Furrow System. It is the process of making raised beds and furrows alternatively. Raised bed helps in good drainage system and management also becomes easy.


We can use mulching plastic(30 micron) to control weeds in raised beds.

Animal manure should be applied during tillage for the reclamation of the land.

Time Of Plantation

We can plant chillies in all months i.e. from January to December. During rainy season, irrigation should be controlled and managed carefully. During hot summers, it is better to do chilli farming under shadding structure.

It is better to do plantation in evening and when there sees chance of rainfall because it maintains turgidity of plant cell due to moisture availability.

Planting Distance And Planting Area

We should maintain certain plant-plant and Row-Row distance. The numeric values of distance are:-

⛊Row-Row distance=(45-60)cm
⛊Plant-Plant distance=30cm

Planting area for chillies depend upon the varieties.On average we can plant up to (12000-14000) plants in an area of 1 acre.

Density of plant shouldn’t be made high cause there is no air flow and plants suffer from different diseases.


Irrigation is moderately needed for chillies. We can install drip irrigation system.It is easy to give fertilizers by the means of fertigation in drip irrigation system.

It is better to irrigate chillies in evening because there is direct sunlight and high evaporation at daytime.


We should be Primary nutrients(N,P,K) at first and Secondary nutrients(Ca,Mg, S) and then micro-nutrients.We can also use organic fertilizers like animal manure and vermicompost.


The numeric value of fertilizers to be used for chilli farming are:-


Half of these fertilizers doses should be applied before plantation and remaining half dose of fertilizers should be applied after 45 days on standing crops.

♦️Animal Manure=(25-30)Ton/hector

Later, we should give insecticides. Insecticides should be given in proper amount.We should spray little amount of insecticides for young age plant.


Marketing Of Chilli

We can get market of chillies all round year. We can sell both green and red chillies.The price of chillies fluctuates according to different seasons. We can earn good profit from chilli farming.

Care And Management

Weeds management is main task in chilli farming. After irrigation, weeding should be done and little amount of soil should be deposited at root zone of plant.

This will increase root aeration and plant will grow well. We can also use weedicides to kill weeds.

This is all about chilli farming. Now, let’s learn about the benefits of chillies.

Nutritive Value Of Chillies

✓Vitamin A
✓Vitamin C
✓Vitamin E
✓Vitamin K
✓Potassium Copper

Health Benefits Of Chillies

1.It helps to cure cold.

2.Eating chillies helps to improve eyesight.

3.Chilli contains lots of vitamin-C which helps our body to fight against infections.

4.It helps to reduce high blood pressure.

5.Chillies helps in the formation of RBCs.


This is whole information on Chilli farming-Process, Benefits And Earnings.

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