9 o clock flower
9 o clock flower is annually growing thick and fleshy plant which is especially grown for its flower and foliage beauty in tropical climate.
This flower is known for its special character i.e. Its floral bud blooms out into a beautiful flower at about 9 A.M. in morning.-So-Named as 9 o clock flower. The blooms flowers remains open till 2 PM in that day.
This flower is distributed in different parts of the world and is native to its home country Brazil and Argentina.

Some other common names for 9 o clock flower plant are:-
:- Moss Rose
:-Mexican Rose
:-10 o’clock and 11 o’clock flower
:-Sun Rose.
People of different parts of the world love to grow the 9 o clock flower because it has wide range of colours and can easily grow in dry and hot climate as its leaves can store the water.
Generally, This beautiful flower is preferred to grow in gardens and it looks amazing in hanging baskets also.
As Portulaca flower is available in wide range of colour and is easy to care, It is grown by many gardeners to make thier garden aesthetically pleasing.
The types of colours in 9 o clock flower are:-
✓Dark Lavender
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Botanical Classification
Kingdom:- Plantae
Scientific Name:-Portulaca grandiflora
In this article, We will be discussing about different aspects such as:- Growing Methods, Soil Preparation, Benefits and its care. Lets get started:-
Growing Methods
This flower is easy to grow and can thrive in all climate with very less soil also.
We can grow 9 o clock flower in small containers also. We can first prepare the nursery and later transplant the seedlings.
The ways of growing Portulaca Plant are:-
1. From Seeds:-
We can easily grow 9 o clock flower from seeds but it takes longer time. This flower needs about 2 weeks to germinate and become seedlings.
We can grow in any 9’o clock flower in any season, However- It is is preferable to grow in summer season in direct sunlight.
To prepare seedlings from Portulaca plant seeds, we should give proper care. We can grow them in soil. The soil should be loose and FYM should be mixed with it.
We can also grow this plant in cocopit.Water should be added immediately after sowing seeds.
After seedlings grows, Then they can be shifted in garden or baskets where they bloom into beautiful flowers.
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Cuttings are another great way of growing 9 o clock flower plant.
The growth of plant from cuttings is very fast and can grow easily. We can take small 2.5 inches long cuttings from a mother plant and and remove the leaves towards base.
After removing basal leaves from the cutting, We can put them in soil to grow. We can make hole in potting mixture and put the basal part of cuttings into hole and provide support with soil. Within few days, It will grow and start to bloom.
Soil Preparation
9 o Clock flower can be grown in almost all type of soil. However- Sandy loam soil is considered best for portulaca plant.

The Potting Mixture for the optimum performance of this plant includes:-
➡️30% FYM + 60% Soil +10% Sand
We can also add Vermicomopost in the mixture to provide good nutritional source.
After preparation of soil and gowing materials. Then, 9 o Clock flower needs to be care for its good growth and large sized blooms. Let’s learn about it:-
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9 o Clock Flower Plant Care
We don’t need to give any special care for 9 o’Clock flower all the time as it is easy to grow.
However, We have provided some ideas on how to care 9 o’Clock flower plant below which you can apply to make your plant grow faster and healthier:-
👉The plant loves sunlight-So-It should be grow in the place where it receives direct sunlight. In clouds and shade, 9 o’Clock flower doesn’t blooms into large flower. That’s why, It is known by ita other name sun rose.
👉The seedlings grown should be transplanted with proper care as its roots are deligate and may be destroyed during planting.
👉We can add little amount of DAP fertilizers every month in pot to get large number of flowers.
👉Method Of DAP Application:- Mix 2 tea spoon of DAP into 800 ml of water and add 200 ml water in each pot.
👉The potting should mixture of 9 o’Clock flower plant should be well drained. There shouldn’t be accumulation of water.
👉Dead-heading and pruning of plant should be done regularly and it promotes the growth of new buds and more flower.
👉This flower can be used as ground cover in landscaping work. It can be grown in sides of walkways of gardens.
👉It is used as ornamental plant and also use to make seedling in nursery.
👉This flower attracts honeybee working as a great source of nectar.
👉9 o’clock flower Plant works as depurative i.e it help to detoxify and clean body fluids like blood.
👉This flower also has some medicinal value as it is used in cure of hepatitis, Inflammation of pharynx, cirrhosis of liver, sore throat and many more.
👉The jel of 9 o’ clock flower is used in the cure of burn of skin.
👉Some people believe that it cures cancer and tumors.
👉This flower adds natural beauty and gives aesthetic pleasure to Us.
Final Verdict
9 o clock flower is an amazing plant that has great importance in the field of Ornamental horticulture.
This plant is easy to grow and doesn’t need much care. That’s why, It is famous among gardeners.
One should grow this flower in their garden and balconies as it gives soothness to eye.
This is all about 9 o clock Flower Plant: Care And Benefits.
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